My youngest sister happened to be in town during this festive holiday, so naturally, we decided to have Christmas dinner together — J and I + my sister Jen and her boyfriend Jeff. Oh, and Jemma joined in on the fun, too. That’s a whole lot of “J” names, I know!
Now I’m not exactly the best cook in the kitchen and to be brutally honest, find kitchen work rather exasperating most of the time. From prepping food, the actual cooking, and then the clean-up, it’s all more than enough to give me a headache. Fortunately for us, Jen and Jeff love making food and are pretty darn good at it to boot, so J and I stuck to making some desserts instead. Because I can’t live without dessert and needed to make sure that there would be plenty of it on Christmas Day.
By the end of the night, we were all completely stuffed and had lots of leftovers to take home. Good Food + Good Company = Good Times. Needless to say, it was a very memorable Christmas and I even have some photos to share.
The Healthy Couple (water) versus The Junky Couple (pop)! You don’t have to know who loves junk food…
Jemma is more than ready for the cold wet weather we’ve been having. She received the scarf as a Christmas present from Jeff. One word: Adorable!
hayleyJemma has never looked cuter. the scarf is befitting!