J’s First Birthday Party | Richmond Birthday Photographer

Of all the events I have the privilege of photographing, first birthday parties are probably my favorite. Why? It’s such a happy, love-filled, and stress-free event. Cake and decor are always involved, which makes for some nice images. On top of that, I get to follow a cute little baby around. What more can I...

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Yang Family | Burnaby Lake Family Lifestyle Session

Back in June, just exactly one week before I was due to be induced with daughter #2, this sweet family and a heavily pregnant me met up at Burnaby Lake for a family session. It was a gorgeous summer afternoon and despite being sick, little Emery was a trooper through it all! He barely even...

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Get to know me!

Hello there! I'm Kathy and I'm a storyteller. I'm a wife and a mother of four: two daughters and a son here on earth, plus another son I carry in my heart.


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Vancouver, BC